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Which Italian food is the most popular in the US?

Yeah, we know what you’re thinking right now… The answer to the following question seems to be obvious to a vast majority of people reading this article…. You’re thinking pizza, don’t you? Surely, it’s hard to underestimate the importance of this round culinary miracle of Italy, but things are really, truly more complicated. As we’ve…

There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can’t be improved with pizza.

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With our popularity only rising in Alexandria and our skillful team expanding, we decided to open our second location! This time in 1 hour car ride distance from Alexandria – in Charlestown, Virginia! 323 people visited us on a first day and…

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Celebrate this year’s Lovers Day by visiting our cozy, romantic Restaurant! Each year we are introducing some themed party for that occasion… This time the Valentine’s Day will be set amid Parisian decor.